Sunday, March 22, 2015

Coming Soon

So sorry these posts have absolutely nothing to offer other than what I am EVENTUALLY going to offer! Just bare with me! I am wrapping up a lease here in my tiny apartment and will soon be in a new home with way more space to take pictures and make videos. I have so many ideas and literally no room to execute them so hope is on the horizon!

SO, that being said, here are all the ideas I can't wait to share with y'all!

  • I am desperate to start taking professional photos for my tutorials and reviews. I have so many outfits and daily favorites that I want to share with you, but am very tired of having to take them on my phone. High res photos and videos are definitely on their way!
  • My sister and I are still working on Ohh Bees Entertainment for YouTube, including:
and now...
Sailor Sunday! 
Where we'll be making Sailor Moon related crafts and goodies

  • I will also be making Fast Food Mimics, a healthy alternative to popular fast food items. I won't get too much into it, but I'm hoping it'll demonstrate the differences in eating home versus eating out in a more relatable, and do-able, way. This will include recipes and shopping tips, specifically for people who think that eating healthy and organic is too expensive.
  • In addition to my own culinary creations, I also plan to have a few of my friends write and possibly film fitness tips and tricks. This may be later down the road, and it's only an idea for now, but I know so many people who are so involved with physical fitness and would love to be able to feature their knowledge here.
  • Last but not least, as my boyfriend nears his academic career in Video Game Production, I will also be delving more into my most recent passion: gaming. I didn't really grow up with games, which I feel now is a real shame, but I think it's one of the greatest unifying mediums today. As an interactive form of art, I will be playing and reviewing games, both old and new, as part of my Clever Gaming channel (yes, that is a Jurassic Park reference). I don't know now whether it will be purely knowledge-based or if it'll be comedic, so we'll see.

All of these will be available through my (our) YouTube channels as well as pages soon to be featured here. And thank goodness for free social media because I will also be posting updates between Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest on a regular basis from now on. 

That all being said, I thank anyone who is following this blog, even if you're just stopping by. I am very excited for what the future holds and I hope you are too!

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