Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The First of Fall

As an American white girl, can I even convey to you how much I love October? Pumpkin flavored everything, cute Halloween costumes, awesome layered outfits?

Unfortunately, in Arizona, Fall doesn't really exist. And when it does decide to show up, it's for about a week, and then we are immediately thrown into Winter. But by golly, that is the greatest week :)

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be putting together as many fall-inspired outfits possible that are still suitable for Arizona's lack of weather.

To start, here's a cute summer-y kimono turned autumn!

Watch: Hot Topic
Ring: Urban Outfitters (I actually got mine on clearance at a San Diego location, so sorry it's not on the site! There are a few pretty similar to it, though)
Kimono: Neslay Designer, N1805, found at Downeast Basics, along with:

Also, if you visit your local Downeast Basics, they're doing an awesome promotion from now until Oct. 19th! Buy any of the Live for Pink layering tees, and they'll donate 50% of the proceeds towards the fight against breast cancer.

Click here to see all their options
Feel free to leave a comment below!

Thanks and take care

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