Sunday, October 5, 2014

A few must-haves

As someone teaching themselves to be fashionable, I am learning accessories are just as flattering to an outfit as any cut or color. Even when I do add some form of jewelry it's very simple and basic. 

That being said, I am in love with this month's accessories at my store! We have my simple add-ons, but even the ones offering bursts of color are just as cute. This is so bad, guys, I'm going to be so broke...

These are just a few that my store received, although there's a good handful we're still waiting on. But if you're impatient like me you can always order Downeast online. They currently offer the standard shipping rate (which is $6.50 at the moment) and right now all clearance is an additional 50% off (use code: FALL50 if shopping online).

What outfits could you seeing pairing these gems with?
Leave a comment below!

Thanks and take care

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